BimlFlex Reference Documentation
The BimlFlex Application allows for easy-to-use management of the design metadata. This is complemented by the BimlFlex Excel Add-in. In both cases, the metadata is persisted in the BimlFlex metadata database.
A metadata model describes what will be used to store the metadata that is subsequently authored by end users. It can be thought of as a database schema and provides the ability to create a general purpose Entity/Relationship model. Below is an outline of the properties and relationships for each entity type.
BimlFlex Entity |
Description |
Batches | Batches organise the data logistics workload. They are used by Projects to manage the order of execution, and a Project must be associated to a Batch. |
Columns | The Columns screen allows for managing the individual components for an Object, for example the attributes of a database table. Columns define the detailed information to transform and map data from source to target. |
Configurations | Configurations are custom attributes which can be used to drive the behaviour of BimlFlex, and the output it generates. |
Connections | Connections provide the information required to connect to data sources. |
Customers | Customers are top-level groupings of metadata and models, and allow for a flexible way to configure functional areas for a data solution. |
DataTypeMappings | Data Type Mappings provide the ability to automatically map Data Types from a source system to a more standardized data type. |
Objects | Objects in BimlFlex are the data stores that can be used as source or target for data logistics. |
Parameters | Parameters are customizable values that can be set throughout the solution. |
Projects | Connections define the data logistics workload. They specify the primary orchestration engine (e.g. ADF) and the Connections for the involved the sources and targets. |
Versions | Versions support management of changes in metadata over time. |