Delete Detection
To be able to provide an accurate representation of the data in the data solution, it is often necessary to capture when data was physically removed from the operational systems that act as data sources.
BimlFlex provides a SQL-based Delete Detection mechanism that allows detection of deleted keys / records from the data sources, as well as various possibilities to configure this with native or 3rd party solutions.
This applies to 'hard deletes' where the records have physically been removed from the original system, as opposed to end-dating. In the data solution, the event of deletion can be stored as a 'soft' or 'logical' delete. Even though this data may not be visible in the original data source anymore, there is still a record of its existence (and removal thereof) in the data solution.
This information can be valuable in determining the correct state of the data for delivery.
The deleted information is derived by comparing the rows available in the source with the current set of active rows in the target PSA. Implementing and loading a queryable PSA is therefore a requirement for the default delete detection process.
Certain data sources might be able to deliver deleted rows, such as the SQL Server Change Data Capture (CDC) feature. In a scenario like this, when a source delivers records with a deleted state, it is possible to directly load these records from into the staging area, persistent staging area and Data Vault and reuse the source delete state without comparing against the existing PSA.
The delete detection feature is used in addition to the regular processing of new and changed data from the data source. Enabling delete detection will generate dedicated processes that can run separate from any of the regular data loading processes. This allows an end to end processing pipeline for deletes.
The delete detection processes will load all defined Source- and Integration Keys from the source data into a delete table that corresponds to the Object for which the delete detection applies. The delete table will be used to compare the incoming source data with. If a key is missing from the source compared to what is in the delete object, it is identified as a deleted key.
The delete detection is controlled by manipulating the following Settings in the Delete Detection Settings Group:
- Enable Delete Detection
- Apply Delete Detection on the Persistent Staging Area
- Apply Delete Detection on the Data Vault
The Enable Delete Detection setting is global and will be applied to all Projects. The supporting PSA and Data Vault settings (Apply Delete Detection PSA, Apply Delete Detection DV) provide means to insert the detected deletes (if any) into each specific area, or not.
It is possible to override the global default for specific Projects or Objects. This can be implementing using Setting Overrides. Any defined overrides will disregard the global settings and apply to the specific scope that the override has been defined for.
Implementing Delete Detection
Enabling Delete Detection
At a high level, Delete Detection can be implemented in two ways:
- Enabling the Enable Delete Detection (global), and exclude Projects and / or Objects using the Overrides. Or alternatively,
- Disabling the Enable Delete Detection setting and include the Projects and / or Objects that should have delete detection applied
Enabling Delete Detection allows the creation of the Delete Detection load process for the in-scope objects.
Additional settings control if the identified delete rows are loaded into PSA and Data Vault targets. Unless a separate, bespoke, process is used for delete record processing it is recommended to allow BimlFlex to autogenerate the process.
- Apply Delete Detection PSA
- Apply Delete Detection DV
Enabling the above 'Apply' patterns will create ('ELT' / 'load') Stored Procedures and call these once the source extract and delete detection has finished.
Naming Conventions
Enabling delete detection will create new Landing and Staging Area tables that are dedicated to delete detection. By default, these will be named as <RecordSourceAsSchema>.land_<TableName>_DEL
and <RecordSourceAsSchema>.<TableName>_DEL
The name used is controlled by the following settings. These settings are part of the Staging Naming settings group.
- The Append Name Landing setting. The default value is:
. This appends to the Delete Object name - The Delete Object Name Pattern setting. The default value is:
. This pattern creates the Object name, using the@@this
shorthand code with the_DEL
suffix - The Delete Schema Name Pattern. The default value is
. The@@rs
code is the Record Source as defined in the Connection to which the object belongs
Capturing Delete Detection Outcomes
The metadata column for the delete specifications is defined through the Row Change Type Configuration.
This configuration can be customized so that the delete information can be derived as needed. For example, it is possible to reuse a source delete flag for data sets that provide this status information. In other cases, the way the delete record is recorded can be defined.
The Row Change Type works the same way as any other Configuration in BimlFlex, and to an extent this is configurable in BimlFlex. The defaults are:
for a newly detected key / record. This is the default value for the Row Change TypeU
for a detected update related to an existing key / recordD
for a detected delete
By default, the Row Change Type is not applied to any specific area. When global settings to enable delete detection are used, the configuration can be defined to apply to certain areas of the solution.
If specific objects are configured for delete detection these will need to be accompanied by a specific Row Change Type configuration.
For delete detection to work correctly, the Row Change Type configuration must be applied to the object that has been configured for delete detection.
Overriding Delete Patterns Using Extension Points
When using the Apply Delete Detection function it is possible to also use the Delete Detect Apply Psa and Delete Detect Apply Dv Override Extension Points to override the generated apply stored procedure.