Object Extension Points
The Object category has the following available Extension Points defined.
Append Source SQL
Append to the source query SQL generated by BimlFlex
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="AppendSourceSql" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
Azure Post Archive Stage
Configure pipeline logic that will be injected after the blobs are archived
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task unless it is the first task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="AzurePostArchiveStage" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
<# var sourceObject = new TableObject(table, table.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage, "SRC");
var targetObject = new TableObject(table, sourceObject.TargetConnection.IntegrationStage, "TGT");
var persistentConnection = sourceObject.IsPersistent ? sourceObject.PersistentConnection : sourceObject.ProjectStageConnection;
persistentConnection = new[] {"AZB", "AZDLS"}.Contains(persistentConnection.ConnectionType) ? sourceObject.ProjectTargetConnection : persistentConnection;
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - AzurePreArchiveStage" ConnectionName="<#=persistentConnection.Name#>">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<Parameter Name="0" VariableName="User.ExecutionID" DataType="Int64" />
<DirectInput>EXEC <#=targetObject.SystemType.StoredProcedureName(sourceObject, targetObject.Schema, targetObject.StartDelimiter, targetObject.EndDelimiter)#> ?</DirectInput>
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"SQL - AzurePreArchiveStage.Output"; #>
Azure Pre Archive Stage
Configure pipeline logic that will be injected before the blobs are archived
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task unless it is the first task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="AzurePreArchiveStage" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
<# var sourceObject = new TableObject(table, table.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage, "SRC");
var targetObject = new TableObject(table, sourceObject.TargetConnection.IntegrationStage, "TGT");
var persistentConnection = sourceObject.IsPersistent ? sourceObject.PersistentConnection : sourceObject.ProjectStageConnection;
persistentConnection = new[] {"AZB", "AZDLS"}.Contains(persistentConnection.ConnectionType) ? sourceObject.ProjectTargetConnection : persistentConnection;
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - AzurePreArchiveStage" ConnectionName="<#=persistentConnection.Name#>">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<Parameter Name="0" VariableName="User.ExecutionID" DataType="Int64" />
<DirectInput>EXEC <#=targetObject.SystemType.StoredProcedureName(sourceObject, targetObject.Schema, targetObject.StartDelimiter, targetObject.EndDelimiter)#> ?</DirectInput>
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"SQL - AzurePreArchiveStage.Output"; #>
Create SQL
Configure override Create DDL for an Object.
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the Object to which the SQL will be added. |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="CreateSql" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
FROM sys.schemas
WHERE NAME = N'awlt'
FROM sys.objects
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'awlt')
AND type IN (N'U')
CREATE TABLE [awlt].[Account] (
-- Columns Definition
[AccountCodeAlternateKey] INT NOT NULL
,[ParentAccountCodeAlternateKey] INT
,[AccountDescription] NVARCHAR(50)
,[AccountType] NVARCHAR(50)
,[Operator] NVARCHAR(50)
,[CustomMembers] NVARCHAR(300)
,[ValueType] NVARCHAR(50)
,[CustomMemberOptions] NVARCHAR(200)
,[FlexRowEffectiveFromDate] DATETIME2(7) NOT NULL
,[FlexRowEffectiveToDate] DATETIME2(7) NOT NULL
,[FlexRowRecordSource] VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL
,[FlexRowSourceId] INT NOT NULL
,[FlexRowIsCurrent] BIT NOT NULL
,[FlexRowHash] VARCHAR(80)
,[FlexRowHashKey] VARCHAR(40)
-- Constraints
[AccountCodeAlternateKey] ASC
,[FlexRowEffectiveFromDate] ASC
) WITH (
ON "default"
) ON "default"
Data Flow Override
Override the Data Flow
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task unless it is the first task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DataflowOverride" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<Dataflow Name="DFT - Load MySource" DelayValidation="true">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<OleDbSource Name="OLE_SRC - MySource" ConnectionName="MySourceConnection">
<DirectInput>SELECT * FROM [dbo].[MySourceTable]</DirectInput>
<OleDbDestination Name="OLE_DST - MyTarget" ConnectionName="MyTargetConnection">
<InputPath OutputPathName="OLE_SRC - MySource.Output" />
<ExternalTableOutput Table="[dbo].[MyTargetTable]" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DFT - Load MySource.Output"; #>
Data Flow Properties
Configure logic that will be inject
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the Data Flow element will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DataflowProperties" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<Expression ExternalProperty="SsisBufferTempStoragePath">@[User::SsisBufferTempStoragePath]</Expression>
<Expression ExternalProperty="SsisBLOBTempStoragePath">@[User::SsisBLOBTempStoragePath]</Expression>
Delete Detect Apply Dv Override
Override the SQL that is used by the Delete Detection Raw Data Vault process
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task unless it is the first task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DeleteDetectionApplyDv" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; #>
var psaIntegrationStage = "PSA";
var stagingTable = new TableObject(table, "STG", "STG");
var persistentTable = new TableObject(table, "PSA", "PSA");
var tableConfigurations = new TableConfigurations(table, "STG");
var psaTableConfigurations = new TableConfigurations(table, "PSA");
var enableEndDatePsa = tableConfigurations.EnableEndDatePsa;
var enableEndDateDv = tableConfigurations.DvEndDateSatellite;
var isCurrent = tableConfigurations.RowIsCurrent.PersistentStagingAttribute;
var deleteObjectNamePattern = tableConfigurations.DeleteObjectNamePattern;
var stagingConnection = stagingTable.Connection;
var stagingScopedName = stagingTable.ScopedName;
var stagingSchemaQualifiedName = stagingTable.SchemaQualifiedName;
var stagingObjectName = stagingTable.ObjectName;
var stagingQualifiedName = stagingTable.QualifiedName;
var deleteScopedName = deleteObjectNamePattern.Replace("@@this", stagingScopedName);
var sd = persistentTable.StartDelimiter;
var ed = persistentTable.EndDelimiter;
var persistentScopedName = persistentTable.ScopedName;
var persistentSchemaQualifiedName = persistentTable.SchemaQualifiedName;
var persistentQualifiedName = persistentTable.QualifiedName;
var persistentFullyQualifiedName = persistentSchemaQualifiedName == persistentQualifiedName ? $"{sd}{persistentTable.Database}{ed}.{persistentQualifiedName}" : persistentQualifiedName;
var qualifiedEffectiveFromDate = tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveFromDate;
var qualifiedEffectiveToDate = tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveToDate;
var qualifiedRowChangeType = tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowChangeType;
var indexPrimaryKeyColumns = table.GetIndexPrimaryKeyColumns(psaIntegrationStage);
var joinClause = "ON\t" + indexPrimaryKeyColumns.Select(s => "PSA." + sd + s + ed + " = DEL." + sd + s + ed)
.Aggregate((current, next) => current + "\nAND\t" + next);
var currentListJoinClause = "ON\t" + indexPrimaryKeyColumns.Select(s => "PSA." + sd + s + ed + " = CL." + sd + s + ed)
.Aggregate((current, next) => current + "\nAND\t" + next);
var sqlPsaSelectPk = indexPrimaryKeyColumns.Select(s => "PSA." + sd + s + ed)
.Aggregate((current, next) => current + "\n\t\t," + next);
var whereClause = "WHERE\t" + indexPrimaryKeyColumns.Select(s => "DEL." + sd + s + ed + " IS NOT NULL").First();
var psaPkList = "\t" + indexPrimaryKeyColumns.Select(s => sd + s + ed)
.Aggregate((current, next) => current + ", " + next);
var groupByClause = "\t" + indexPrimaryKeyColumns.Select(s => "PSA." + sd + s + ed)
.Aggregate((current, next) => current + "\n," + next);
var deleteTable = RootNode.Tables[deleteScopedName];
var deleteTableDatabaseQualifiedName = deleteTable.DatabaseQualifiedName;
var deleteTableSchemaQualifiedName = deleteTable.SchemaQualifiedName;
var mappedHubObject = table.MetadataModelDynamicObject.Columns
.Where(e => e.Object.RelatedItem == table && e.TargetColumn.RelatedItem != null && new []{"HUB"}.Contains(e.TargetColumn.RelatedItem.Object.RelatedItem.ObjectType))
.Select(s => s.TargetColumn.RelatedItem.Object.RelatedItem).SingleOrDefault();
var mappedLinkColumns = table.MetadataModelDynamicObject.Columns
.Where(e => e.Object.RelatedItem == table && e.TargetColumn.RelatedItem != null && new []{"LNK"}.Contains(e.TargetColumn.RelatedItem.Object.RelatedItem.ObjectType));
var mappedSatelliteObjects = table.MetadataModelDynamicObject.Columns
.Where(e => e.Object.RelatedItem == table && e.TargetColumn.RelatedItem != null && new []{"LSAT","SAT"}.Contains(e.TargetColumn.RelatedItem.Object.RelatedItem.ObjectType))
.Select(s => s.TargetColumn.RelatedItem.Object.RelatedItem).Distinct();
var sqlPsaMultiActiveKeys = stagingTable.Columns.Where(cl => cl.IsPrimaryKey == "Y" && cl.ChangeType == "MAK");
var sqlPsaCompareMultiActiveKeys = "";
var sqlPsaSelectMultiActiveKeys = "";
var sqlPsaSatSelectMultiActiveKeys = "";
foreach (var multiActiveKey in sqlPsaMultiActiveKeys)
var sqlCompareMultiActiveKeys = multiActiveKey.GetSqlToBk(stagingTable.StartDelimiter, stagingTable.EndDelimiter, "PSA", "DV");
sqlPsaSelectMultiActiveKeys += $"\n\t\t\t\t,{sqlCompareMultiActiveKeys}";
sqlPsaSatSelectMultiActiveKeys += $"\n\t\t\t\t,{sqlCompareMultiActiveKeys} AS {sd}{multiActiveKey.GetColumnName()}{ed}";
sqlPsaCompareMultiActiveKeys += $"\n\t\t\tAND\t{sqlCompareMultiActiveKeys} = {sqlCompareMultiActiveKeys.Replace("PSA.", "DEL.")}";
<# foreach(var satellite in mappedSatelliteObjects) {
var satellitePk = satellite.GetPrimaryKey();
var satelliteObjectType = satellite.ObjectType;
var hubPk = satellitePk.ReferenceColumn.RelatedItem;
var hubObject = hubPk.Object.RelatedItem;
var dvConnection = satellite.Connection.RelatedItem;
var satelliteTable = new TableObject(satellite, "DV", "SAT");
var hubTable = new TableObject(hubPk.Object.RelatedItem, "DV", "HUB");
var satelliteConfigurations = new TableConfigurations(satellite, "SAT");
var satelliteConfigurationsQualifiedRowIsCurrent = satelliteConfigurations.RowIsCurrent.SatelliteAttribute == "IGN" ? "" : satelliteConfigurations.QualifiedRowIsCurrent;
var sqlSatMultiActive = satellite.GetSqlSatMultiActive(satelliteTable.StartDelimiter, satelliteTable.EndDelimiter);
var sqlMultiActiveKeys = sqlSatMultiActive.Item1;
var sqlCompareMultiActiveKeys = sqlSatMultiActive.Item2;
var qualifiedSurrogateKey = satelliteTable.StartDelimiter + satellitePk.GetColumnName() + satelliteTable.EndDelimiter;
var qualifiedHubSurrogateKey = hubTable.StartDelimiter + hubPk.GetColumnName() + hubTable.EndDelimiter;
var linkHubJoinSk = "";
var linkHubJoinBk = "";
var linkPsaBk = "";
var psaKeyJoin = "";
var lsatJoinTest = "";
var hubAlias = "";
if (satelliteObjectType == "LSAT" && mappedHubObject == null){
var linkHubColumns = mappedLinkColumns.Where(s => s.TargetColumn.RelatedItem != null && s.TargetColumn.RelatedItem.Object.RelatedItem == hubObject && s.TargetColumn.RelatedItem.IsPrimaryKey != "Y");
var iHub = 1;
foreach(var linkHubColumn in linkHubColumns){
var targetLinkColumn = linkHubColumn.TargetColumn.RelatedItem;
var targetLinkHubColumn = targetLinkColumn.ReferenceColumn.RelatedItem;
if (targetLinkHubColumn == null) continue;
var linkHubTable = new TableObject(targetLinkHubColumn.Object.RelatedItem, "DV", "HUB");
//.Where(c => c.ReferenceColumn.RelatedItem != null && new []{"HUB"}.Contains(c.ReferenceColumn.RelatedItem.Object.RelatedItem.ObjectType) && c.Object.RelatedItem == hubObject);
linkHubJoinSk += $"\n\t\tINNER JOIN {linkHubTable.QualifiedName} H{iHub}\n\t\t\tON\tHUB.{sd}{targetLinkColumn.GetColumnName()}{ed} = H{iHub}.{linkHubTable.PrimaryKeyQualifiedName}";
linkHubJoinBk += $"\n\t\tAND\tH{iHub}.{linkHubTable.IntegrationKeyQualifiedName} = PSA.{sd}{linkHubColumn.GetColumnName()}{ed}";
var linkPsaBkExpression = linkHubColumn.GetSqlToBk(sd, ed, "PSA", "PSA");
linkPsaBk += $",{linkPsaBkExpression} AS {sd}{linkHubColumn.GetColumnName()}{ed}";
lsatJoinTest += $"DEL.{sd}{linkHubColumn.GetColumnName()}{ed} = H{iHub}.{linkHubTable.IntegrationKeyQualifiedName} AND ";
iHub ++;
lsatJoinTest = lsatJoinTest.Substring(0, lsatJoinTest.Length-4);
linkPsaBk = linkPsaBk.Substring(1);
var lsatHubTable = new TableObject(mappedHubObject, "DV", "HUB");
//linkHubJoin = $"\n\t\tINNER JOIN {lsatHubTable.QualifiedName} LHUB\n\t\t\tON\tHUB.[{linkHubColumn.GetColumnName()}] = LHUB.[{lsatHubTable.GetPrimaryKey().GetColumnName()}]";
//psaKeyJoin = $"\tON\tLHUB.[{lsatHubTable.BusinessKey.GetColumnName()}] = ";
} else if (satelliteObjectType == "LSAT" && mappedHubObject != null) {
var lsatHubTable = new TableObject(mappedHubObject, "DV", "HUB");
linkHubJoinSk = $"\n\t\tINNER JOIN {lsatHubTable.QualifiedName} LHUB\n\t\t\tON\tHUB.{lsatHubTable.PrimaryKeyQualifiedName} = LHUB.{lsatHubTable.PrimaryKeyQualifiedName}";
linkHubJoinBk = $"\n\t\tAND\tLHUB.{lsatHubTable.IntegrationKeyQualifiedName} = PSA.{stagingTable.IntegrationKeyQualifiedName}";
hubAlias = "LHUB";
} else {
linkHubJoinBk = $"\n\t\tAND HUB.{hubTable.IntegrationKeyQualifiedName} = PSA.{stagingTable.IntegrationKeyQualifiedName}";
hubAlias = "HUB";
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - Insert Deleted Into <#=satellite.ObjectName.MakeSsisSafe()#>" ConnectionName="<#=dvConnection.Name #>" ResultSet="None">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<DirectInput>DECLARE @<#=satelliteConfigurations.RowEffectiveFromDateValue#> DATETIME2(7)
SELECT @<#=satelliteConfigurations.RowEffectiveFromDateValue#> = ISNULL(MAX(<#=tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveFromDate#>), GETDATE()) FROM <#=deleteTableDatabaseQualifiedName#>
SELECT @RowsInDelTable = CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM <#=deleteTableDatabaseQualifiedName#>) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
IF @RowsInDelTable = 1
BEGIN TRANSACTION [<#=stagingTable.Id.Replace("-", "")#>]
;WITH currentList AS
<#=satellitePk.GetColumnName() #>
,<#=qualifiedRowChangeType #>
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY <#=satellitePk.GetColumnName() #> ORDER BY <#=qualifiedEffectiveFromDate #> DESC) as rn
FROM <#=satelliteTable.QualifiedName #>
) cur
WHERE rn = 1 AND <#=qualifiedRowChangeType #> <> 'D'
INSERT INTO <#=satelliteTable.QualifiedName #>
(<#=satelliteTable.InsertColumnsList.Replace("SAT.", "")#>)
SELECT <#=satelliteTable.InsertColumnsList.Replace($"SAT.{qualifiedRowChangeType}", $"CONVERT(VARCHAR(1), 'D') AS {qualifiedRowChangeType}").Replace($"SAT.{satelliteConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveFromDate}", $"@{satelliteConfigurations.RowEffectiveFromDateValue} AS {satelliteConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveFromDate}")#>
FROM <#=hubTable.QualifiedName #> HUB
INNER JOIN <#=satelliteTable.QualifiedName #> SAT
ON HUB.[<#=hubPk.GetColumnName()#>] = SAT.[<#=satellitePk.GetColumnName() #>]<#=linkHubJoinSk #>
SELECT <#if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkPsaBk)) {#><#=linkPsaBk #><#} else {#><#=stagingTable.IntegrationKey.GetSqlToBk(sd, ed, "PSA", "DV")#> AS <#=stagingTable.IntegrationKeyQualifiedName#>
<#} #><#=sqlPsaSatSelectMultiActiveKeys #>
FROM <#=deleteTableDatabaseQualifiedName #> PSA ) AS DEL
<#if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkPsaBk)) {#><#=lsatJoinTest #><#} else {#> DEL.<#=stagingTable.IntegrationKeyQualifiedName#> = <#=hubAlias #>.<#=stagingTable.IntegrationKeyQualifiedName#>
<#} #><#=sqlCompareMultiActiveKeys.Replace("TGT.", "SAT.").Replace("SRC.", "DEL.") #>
INNER JOIN currentList CL ON CL.[<#=satellitePk.GetColumnName()#>] = SAT.[<#=satellitePk.GetColumnName() #>]
COMMIT TRANSACTION [<#=stagingTable.Id.Replace("-", "")#>]
DECLARE @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000), @ErrorSeverity INT, @ErrorState INT;
SELECT @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(), @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE();
RAISERROR ( @ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState );
ROLLBACK TRANSACTION [<#=stagingTable.Id.Replace("-", "")#>]
<# } #>
Delete Detect Apply Psa Override
Override the SQL that is used by the Delete Detection Persistent Staging process
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task unless it is the first task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DeleteDetectionApplyPsa" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; #>
var psaIntegrationStage = "PSA";
var stagingTable = new TableObject(table, "STG", "STG");
var persistentTable = new TableObject(table, "PSA", "PSA");
var tableConfigurations = new TableConfigurations(table, "STG");
var psaTableConfigurations = new TableConfigurations(table, "PSA");
var enableEndDatePsa = tableConfigurations.EnableEndDatePsa;
var enableEndDateDv = tableConfigurations.DvEndDateSatellite;
var isCurrent = tableConfigurations.RowIsCurrent.PersistentStagingAttribute;
var deleteObjectNamePattern = tableConfigurations.DeleteObjectNamePattern;
var stagingConnection = stagingTable.Connection;
var stagingScopedName = stagingTable.ScopedName;
var stagingSchemaQualifiedName = stagingTable.SchemaQualifiedName;
var stagingObjectName = stagingTable.ObjectName;
var stagingQualifiedName = stagingTable.QualifiedName;
var deleteScopedName = deleteObjectNamePattern.Replace("@@this", stagingScopedName);
var sd = persistentTable.StartDelimiter;
var ed = persistentTable.EndDelimiter;
var persistentScopedName = persistentTable.ScopedName;
var persistentSchemaQualifiedName = persistentTable.SchemaQualifiedName;
var persistentQualifiedName = persistentTable.QualifiedName;
var persistentFullyQualifiedName = persistentSchemaQualifiedName == persistentQualifiedName ? $"{sd}{persistentTable.Database}{ed}.{persistentQualifiedName}" : persistentQualifiedName;
var qualifiedEffectiveFromDate = tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveFromDate;
var qualifiedEffectiveToDate = tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveToDate;
var qualifiedRowChangeType = tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowChangeType;
var indexPrimaryKeyColumns = table.GetIndexPrimaryKeyColumns(psaIntegrationStage);
var joinClause = "ON\t" + indexPrimaryKeyColumns.Select(s => "PSA." + sd + s + ed + " = DEL." + sd + s + ed)
.Aggregate((current, next) => current + "\nAND\t" + next);
var currentListJoinClause = "ON\t" + indexPrimaryKeyColumns.Select(s => "PSA." + sd + s + ed + " = CL." + sd + s + ed)
.Aggregate((current, next) => current + "\nAND\t" + next);
var sqlPsaSelectPk = indexPrimaryKeyColumns.Select(s => "PSA." + sd + s + ed)
.Aggregate((current, next) => current + "\n\t\t," + next);
var whereClause = "WHERE\t" + indexPrimaryKeyColumns.Select(s => "DEL." + sd + s + ed + " IS NOT NULL").First();
var psaPkList = "\t" + indexPrimaryKeyColumns.Select(s => sd + s + ed)
.Aggregate((current, next) => current + ", " + next);
var groupByClause = "\t" + indexPrimaryKeyColumns.Select(s => "PSA." + sd + s + ed)
.Aggregate((current, next) => current + "\n," + next);
var deleteTable = RootNode.Tables[deleteScopedName];
var deleteTableDatabaseQualifiedName = deleteTable.DatabaseQualifiedName;
var deleteTableSchemaQualifiedName = deleteTable.SchemaQualifiedName;
var mappedHubObject = table.MetadataModelDynamicObject.Columns
.Where(e => e.Object.RelatedItem == table && e.TargetColumn.RelatedItem != null && new []{"HUB"}.Contains(e.TargetColumn.RelatedItem.Object.RelatedItem.ObjectType))
.Select(s => s.TargetColumn.RelatedItem.Object.RelatedItem).SingleOrDefault();
var mappedLinkColumns = table.MetadataModelDynamicObject.Columns
.Where(e => e.Object.RelatedItem == table && e.TargetColumn.RelatedItem != null && new []{"LNK"}.Contains(e.TargetColumn.RelatedItem.Object.RelatedItem.ObjectType));
var mappedSatelliteObjects = table.MetadataModelDynamicObject.Columns
.Where(e => e.Object.RelatedItem == table && e.TargetColumn.RelatedItem != null && new []{"LSAT","SAT"}.Contains(e.TargetColumn.RelatedItem.Object.RelatedItem.ObjectType))
.Select(s => s.TargetColumn.RelatedItem.Object.RelatedItem).Distinct();
var sqlPsaMultiActiveKeys = stagingTable.Columns.Where(cl => cl.IsPrimaryKey == "Y" && cl.ChangeType == "MAK");
var sqlPsaCompareMultiActiveKeys = "";
var sqlPsaSelectMultiActiveKeys = "";
var sqlPsaSatSelectMultiActiveKeys = "";
foreach (var multiActiveKey in sqlPsaMultiActiveKeys)
var sqlCompareMultiActiveKeys = multiActiveKey.GetSqlToBk(stagingTable.StartDelimiter, stagingTable.EndDelimiter, "PSA", "DV");
sqlPsaSelectMultiActiveKeys += $"\n\t\t\t\t,{sqlCompareMultiActiveKeys}";
sqlPsaSatSelectMultiActiveKeys += $"\n\t\t\t\t,{sqlCompareMultiActiveKeys} AS {sd}{multiActiveKey.GetColumnName()}{ed}";
sqlPsaCompareMultiActiveKeys += $"\n\t\t\tAND\t{sqlCompareMultiActiveKeys} = {sqlCompareMultiActiveKeys.Replace("PSA.", "DEL.")}";
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - Insert Deleted Into Persistent Staging" ConnectionName="<#=stagingConnection.Name #>" ResultSet="None">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<DirectInput>DECLARE @<#=tableConfigurations.RowEffectiveFromDateValue#> DATETIME2(7)
SELECT @<#=tableConfigurations.RowEffectiveFromDateValue#> = ISNULL(MAX(<#=tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveFromDate#>), GETDATE()) FROM <#=deleteTableSchemaQualifiedName#>
SELECT @RowsInDelTable = CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM <#=deleteTableSchemaQualifiedName#>) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
IF @RowsInDelTable = 1
BEGIN TRANSACTION [<#=stagingTable.Id.Replace("-", "")#>]
;WITH currentList AS
<#=psaPkList #>
,<#=qualifiedRowChangeType #>
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY <#=psaPkList #> ORDER BY <#=qualifiedEffectiveFromDate #> DESC) as rn
FROM <#=persistentQualifiedName #>
) cur
WHERE rn = 1 AND <#=qualifiedRowChangeType #> <> 'D'
INSERT INTO <#=persistentQualifiedName #>
SELECT <#=persistentTable.InsertColumnsList.Replace($"PSA.{qualifiedRowChangeType}", $"CONVERT(VARCHAR(1), 'D') AS {qualifiedRowChangeType}").Replace($"PSA.{tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveFromDate}", $"@{tableConfigurations.RowEffectiveFromDateValue} AS {tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveFromDate}")#>
FROM <#=persistentQualifiedName #> PSA
INNER JOIN currentList CL <#=currentListJoinClause #>
LEFT OUTER JOIN <#=deleteTableSchemaQualifiedName #> DEL
<#=joinClause #>
<#=whereClause #><# if (enableEndDatePsa){ #>
SET <#=tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveToDate#> = @<#=tableConfigurations.RowEffectiveFromDateValue#><# if (isCurrent != "IGN"){ #>,<#=tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowIsCurrent#> = 0
<#} #>
FROM <#=persistentQualifiedName #> ODS
SELECT <#=groupByClause#>
,MIN(PSA.<#=tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveFromDate#>) AS <#=tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveFromDate#>
,@<#=tableConfigurations.RowEffectiveFromDateValue#> AS <#=tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveToDate#>
FROM <#=persistentQualifiedName #> PSA
LEFT OUTER JOIN <#=deleteTableSchemaQualifiedName #> DEL
<#=joinClause #>
WHERE PSA.<#=tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveToDate#> = '9999-12-31'
<#=whereClause #>
GROUP BY <#=groupByClause #>
<#=joinClause.Replace("PSA.", "ODS.").Replace("DEL.", "SRC.") #>
AND ODS.<#=tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveFromDate#> = SRC.<#=tableConfigurations.QualifiedRowEffectiveFromDate#>
AND ODS.<#=qualifiedRowChangeType #> <> 'D'
<#} #>
COMMIT TRANSACTION [<#=stagingTable.Id.Replace("-", "")#>]
DECLARE @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000), @ErrorSeverity INT, @ErrorState INT;
SELECT @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(), @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE();
RAISERROR ( @ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState );
ROLLBACK TRANSACTION [<#=stagingTable.Id.Replace("-", "")#>]
Delete Detect Data Flow Override
Configure pipeline logic that will override the Delete Detect Data Flow
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task unless it is the first task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DeleteDetectDataflowOverride" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
var tableObject = new TableObject(table, table.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage);
var stageConnection = tableObject.Project.StageConnection.RelatedItem;
var sourceSsisSafeScopedName = tableObject.SsisSafeScopedName;
var columns = tableObject.Columns;
var primaryKeyColumns = columns.GetIndexPrimaryKeyColumns("DEL");
var sourceColumns = columns.Where(c => primaryKeyColumns.Contains(c.ColumnName));
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<Dataflow Name="DFT - Detect Deletes ExtensionPoint" >
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<!-- Insert Your Logic Here-->
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DFT - Detect Deletes ExtensionPoint.Output"; #>
Delete Detect Raw File Override
Override the Raw File Format use by the Delete Detection process
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DeleteDetectRawFileOverride" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
var tableObject = new TableObject(table, table.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage);
var stageConnection = tableObject.Project.StageConnection.RelatedItem;
var sourceSsisSafeScopedName = tableObject.SsisSafeScopedName;
var columns = tableObject.Columns;
var primaryKeyColumns = columns.GetIndexPrimaryKeyColumns("DEL");
var sourceColumns = columns.Where(c => primaryKeyColumns.Contains(c.ColumnName));
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<RawFileFormat Name="rawDEL_<#=sourceSsisSafeScopedName#>" LogicalDisplayFolder="Raw">
<# var i = 1;
foreach(var sourceColumn in sourceColumns) {
var applyDataTypeMappingStg = table.GetConfigurationValue("ApplyDataTypeMappingStg") == "Y" ? true : false;
var bimlDataType = applyDataTypeMappingStg
? sourceColumn.GetMappedDataTypeBiml()
: sourceColumn.GetDataTypeBiml();
<Column Name="<#=sourceColumn.ColumnName#>" <#=bimlDataType#> IndexPosition="<#=i #>" />
<# i ++; #>
<# } #>
Delete Initialize Raw File Data Flow Override
Configure pipeline logic that will override the Delete Initialize Raw File Data Flow
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task unless it is the first task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DeleteInitializeRawFileDataflowOverride" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
var tableObject = new TableObject(table, table.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage);
var stageConnection = tableObject.Project.StageConnection.RelatedItem;
var sourceSsisSafeScopedName = tableObject.SsisSafeScopedName;
var columns = tableObject.Columns;
var primaryKeyColumns = columns.GetIndexPrimaryKeyColumns("DEL");
var sourceColumns = columns.Where(c => primaryKeyColumns.Contains(c.ColumnName));
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<Dataflow Name="DFT - Initialise Raw File ExtensionPoint">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<OleDbSource Name="OLE_SRC - <#=sourceSsisSafeScopedName#>" ConnectionName="<#=tableObject.SourceConnection.Name#>" CommandTimeout="0" ValidateExternalMetadata="true" >
SELECT [MyColumn] FROM <#=tableObject.SourceSchemaQualifiedName#> ORDER BY [MyColumn]
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="MyColumn" SortKeyPosition="1" />
<RawFileDestination Name="RTF_DST - Initialise Raw Output File">
<InputPath OutputPathName="OLE_SRC - <#=sourceSsisSafeScopedName#>.Output" />
<FileFromVariableOutput VariableName="User.SourceRawFilePath"/>
Get Parameter
Configure override to retrieve parameter values
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the process will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="GetParameter" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; #>
<# var sourceConnection = table.GetSourceConnection();
var sourceConnectionType = sourceConnection.ConnectionType;
var sourceDatabase = table.GetSourceCatalog();
var sourceScopedName = table.GetSourceScopedName(sourceConnection);
var sourceQualifiedName = table.GetSourceQualifiedName(sourceConnection);
var sourceSchemaQualifiedName = table.GetSourceSchemaQualifiedName(sourceConnection);
var sourceSsisSafeScopedName = sourceScopedName.MakeSsisSafe();
var sourceDisplayName = table.GetSourceDisplayName(sourceConnection);
<# if (table.GetParameters().Any()) { #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - Get LastModified" ConnectionName="BimlCatalog" ResultSet="SingleRow">
<Result Name="0" VariableName="User.CurrentModifiedDate" />
<DirectInput>EXEC [ssis].[GetConfigVariable] '<#=sourceConnection.Name#>', '<#=table.Name#>.LastModifiedDate', 'LastModifiedDate', @VariableValue, @ExecutionID</DirectInput>
<Parameter Name="@VariableValue" VariableName="User.CurrentModifiedDate" Length="-1" DataType="String" />
<Parameter Name="@ExecutionID" Direction="Input" DataType="Int64" VariableName="User.ExecutionID" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"SQL - Get LastModified.Output"; #>
<# } #>
Lookup Cache
Configure a cache file for the Lookup SQL
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the source object to which the lookup cache will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the lookup cache will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="LookupCache" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Control Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<# var sourceConnection = table.GetSourceConnection();
var sourceScopedName = table.GetSourceScopedName(sourceConnection);
var sourceSsisSafeScopedName = sourceScopedName.MakeSsisSafe();
<Dataflow Name="DFT - CACHE <#=sourceSsisSafeScopedName#>">
<OleDbSource Name="OLE_SRC - Select <#=sourceSsisSafeScopedName#>" ConnectionName="<#=sourceConnection#>">
<DirectInput>SELECT SRC.[MyTableCode]
,SRC.[FlexRowHashType1] AS [lkpFlexRowHashType1]
FROM [dim].[MyTable] SRC
WHERE SRC.[TenantCode] <> 'UNK'</DirectInput>
<Cache Name="CT - <#=sourceSsisSafeScopedName#>" ConnectionName="MyTableCache">
<InputPath OutputPathName="OLE_SRC - Select <#=sourceSsisSafeScopedName#>.Output" />
Lookup Join
Configure a Join statement that will be added to the Lookup SQL
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the source object to which the lookup Join will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the lookup Join will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="LookupJoin" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
INNER JOIN [dbo].[MyJoinTable] LKP
ON SRC.[MyTableCode] = LKP.[MyTableCode]
Lookup Parameter
Configure a parameter for the Lookup SQL used by Lookup Cache
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the source object to which the lookup parameter will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the lookup parameter will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="LookupParameter" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<Parameter Name="Parameter1" VariableName="User.CurrentModifiedDate" />
Lookup SQL
Override the default generated Lookup SQL
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the source object to which the lookup SQL will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the lookup SQL will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="LookupSql" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
SELECT SRC.[MyTableCode]
,SRC.[FlexRowHashType1] AS [lkpFlexRowHashType1]
FROM [dim].[MyTable] SRC
WHERE SRC.[TenantCode] <> 'UNK'
Override Alter SQL
Configure SQL that will Override the Alter SQL for a object
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the SQL will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="OverrideAlterSql" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<# var tableObject = new TableObject(table, table.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage); #>
ALTER TABLE [<#=tableObject.Schema#>].[<#=tableObject.ObjectName#>] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_ep_<#=tableObject.Schema#>_<#=tableObject.ObjectName#>_FlexRowEffectiveFromDate] DEFAULT ('0001-01-01 00:00:00.000') FOR [FlexRowEffectiveFromDate]
Override Initialize
Override the initializing of staging tables
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task unless it is the first task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="OverrideInitialize" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be anything defined within the SSIS Control Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<# var initializeConnection = sourceTable.GetInitializeConnection();
var initializeSafeScopedName = sourceTable.GetInitializeScopedName(initializeConnection, sourceTable.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage).MakeFlexSafeName();
var initializeSchemaQualifiedName = sourceTable.GetInitializeSchemaQualifiedName(initializeConnection, sourceTable.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage);
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - Initialize <#=initializeSafeScopedName#>" ConnectionName="<#=initializeConnection.Name#>" ResultSet="None">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<DirectInput>DELETE FROM <#=initializeSchemaQualifiedName#> --WHERE 1=2</DirectInput>
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"SQL - Initialize " + initializeSafeScopedName + ".Output"; #>
Override Main
Completely override the main Data Flow (SEQC - Main)
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the override will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="OverrideMain" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- This option is added for flexibility, but not recommended, as it will be disconnected from the BimlFlex patterns. -->
<Dataflow Name="DFT - Load MySource" DelayValidation="true">
<OleDbSource Name="OLE_SRC - MySource" ConnectionName="MySourceConnection">
<DirectInput>SELECT * FROM [dbo].[MySourceTable]</DirectInput>
<OleDbDestination Name="OLE_DST - MyTarget" ConnectionName="MyTargetConnection">
<InputPath OutputPathName="OLE_SRC - MySource.Output" />
<ExternalTableOutput Table="[dbo].[MySourceTable]" />
Override Merge
Override the Merge statement of target tables
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the override will be added |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="OverrideMerge" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- A scenario might be that you have an insert only fact and you might want to override the Merge to only insert and ignore updates. -->
MERGE [dim].[MyTable] AS TGT
USING [dim].[stage_MyTable] AS SRC
ON TGT.[MyTableCode] = SRC.[MyTableCode]
-- SET [MyTableCode] = SRC.[MyTableCode]
-- ,[MyTableName] = SRC.[MyTableName]
-- ,[FlexRowAuditId] = SRC.[FlexRowAuditId]
-- ,[FlexRowHashType1] = SRC.[FlexRowHashType1]
-- ,[FlexRowIsInferred] = SRC.[FlexRowIsInferred]
Override Primary Key SQL
Configure SQL that will Override the Primary Key SQL for a object
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the SQL will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="OverridePrimaryKeySql" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<# var tableObject = new TableObject(table, table.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage);
var primaryKeySql = tableObject.IndexPrimaryKeyColumns.GetPrimaryKeySelectSql(tableObject.StartDelimiter, tableObject.EndDelimiter);
CONSTRAINT [PK_ep_<#=tableObject.Schema#>_<#=tableObject.ObjectName#>] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (<#=primaryKeySql#>, [FlexRowEffectiveFromDate])
Override SQL
Override the source query SQL generated by BimlFlex
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the SQL will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="OverrideSql" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
,CONVERT(INT, ISNULL([MemberId], - 1)) AS [MemberId]
FROM [dbo].[MyTable]
Override Unique Key SQL
Configure SQL that will Override the Unique Key SQL for a object
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the SQL will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="OverrideUniqueKeySql" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<# var tableObject = new TableObject(table, table.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage); #>
CONSTRAINT [UK_ep_<#=tableObject.Schema#>_<#=tableObject.ObjectName#>] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (<#=tableObject.IntegrationKeyQualifiedName#>, [FlexRowEffectiveFromDate])
Package Add Connection Reference
Configure additional Connection references to the object package
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the connection will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="PackageAddConnection" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- Note that the connection must be a valid connection defined within the BimlFlex metadata. Connections can be added manually if required. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; #>
<Connection ConnectionName="MY_SOURCE" />
Package Configurations
Add PackageConfigurations if you have unselected Use Project Deployment
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the configurations will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="PackageConfigurations" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- Use PackageConfigurations to add a Configurations if you have unselected Use Project Deployment in the BimlStudio project.
When using Package Deployment instead of Project Deployment you might need to specify additional configurations. Configurations can also be added to the Batch using the PackageConfigurations combined with CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; #>
<# var configurationPath = table.GetConfigurationValue("ConfigurationPath");
configurationPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(configurationPath) ? @"C:\Varigence\Configurations" : configurationPath; #>
<PackageConfiguration Name="LOAD_MY_Configurations">
<ExternalFileInput ExternalFilePath="<#=configurationPath#>\MY_BATCH_Configurations.dtsConfig" FileUsageType="ExistingFile" RelativePath="false" />
Package Parameter
Configure parameter bound values to the package
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the parameter will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="PackageParameter" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- The below example is adding a PackageParameter to the package. PackageParameter is normally combined with a ParameterBindings Extension Point -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; #>
<Parameter Name="BatchId" DataType="String"></Parameter>
<Parameter Name="BatchInstanceId" DataType="String">0</Parameter>
Package Variable
Configure additional package variables or override default BimlFlex variables
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the variable will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="PackageVariable" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- Variables can also be added to all the packages for the Batch using the PackageVariable combined with CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; #>
<Variable Name="TenantCode" DataType="String">UNK</Variable>
<Variable Name="CurrentModifiedDate" DataType="String" Namespace="User">1900-01-01</Variable>
Persistent Staging Initial Target Pipeline
Configure pipeline logic that will be injected into the source to staging package before the Persistent Staging Initial target destination node
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="PersistentInitialTargetPipeline" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Data Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<DataConversion Name="DCV - Convert MyColumn">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath #>" />
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="cnv_MyColumn" DataType="String" Length="100" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DCV - Convert MyColumn.Output"; #>
Persistent Staging Target Pipeline
Configure pipeline logic that will be injected into the source to staging package before the Persistent Staging target destination node
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="PersistentTargetPipeline" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Data Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<DataConversion Name="DCV - Convert MyColumn">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath #>" />
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="cnv_MyColumn" DataType="String" Length="100" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DCV - Convert MyColumn.Output"; #>
Post Create SQL
Configure SQL that will be executed after the Create DDL for a object
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the SQL will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="PostCreateSql" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
[AccountCodeAlternateKey] ASC,
[FlexRowEffectiveFromDate] ASC
Post Data Flow
Configure logic that will be injected after the main Data Flow
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the Data Flow element will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="PostDataflow" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Control Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - Set CurrentModifiedDate" ConnectionName="BimlCatalog" ResultSet="None">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<DirectInput>EXEC [ssis].[SetConfigVariable] 'MY_SRC', 'MY_SRC.dbo.EJTable.CurrentModifiedDate', 'CurrentModifiedDate', @VariableValue, @ExecutionID</DirectInput>
<Parameter Name="@VariableValue" VariableName="User.CurrentModifiedDate" Length="-1" DataType="String" />
<Parameter Name="@ExecutionID" Direction="Input" DataType="Int64" VariableName="User.ExecutionID" />
Post Process
Configure logic that will be injected after the main Object process
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the process will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="PostProcess" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Control Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - Set SnapshotDate" ConnectionName="BimlCatalog" ResultSet="None">
<DirectInput>EXEC [ssis].[SetConfigVariable] 'LOAD_DATAMART', 'LOAD_DATAMART.SnapshotDate', 'SnapshotDate', @VariableValue</DirectInput>
<Parameter Name="@VariableValue" VariableName="User.SnapshotDate" Length="-1" DataType="String" />
Post Tasks
Configure logic that will be injected after all the Tasks in the main Data Flow
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="PostTasks" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Control Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - Set CurrentModifiedDate" ConnectionName="BimlCatalog" ResultSet="None">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<DirectInput>EXEC [ssis].[SetConfigVariable] 'MY_SRC', 'MY_SRC.dbo.EJTable.CurrentModifiedDate', 'CurrentModifiedDate', @VariableValue, @ExecutionID</DirectInput>
<Parameter Name="@VariableValue" VariableName="User.CurrentModifiedDate" Length="-1" DataType="String" />
<Parameter Name="@ExecutionID" Direction="Input" DataType="Int64" VariableName="User.ExecutionID" />
Pre Create SQL
Configure SQL that will be executed prior to the Create DDL for a object
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the SQL will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="PreCreateSql" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
ALTER TABLE [awlt].[Account] DROP CONSTRAINT [PK_awlt_Account] WITH ( ONLINE = OFF )
Pre Data Flow
Configure logic that will be injected before the main Data Flow
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the Data Flow element will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task unless it is the first task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="PreDataflow" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Control Flow. -->
<!-- NOTE: You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the Data Flow -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - Get CurrentModifiedDate" ConnectionName="BimlCatalog" ResultSet="SingleRow">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<Result Name="0" VariableName="User.CurrentModifiedDate" />
<DirectInput>EXEC [ssis].[GetConfigVariable] 'MY_SRC', 'MY_SRC.dbo.EJTable.CurrentModifiedDate', 'CurrentModifiedDate', @VariableValue, @ExecutionID</DirectInput>
<Parameter Name="@VariableValue" VariableName="User.CurrentModifiedDate" Length="-1" DataType="String" />
<Parameter Name="@ExecutionID" Direction="Input" DataType="Int64" VariableName="User.ExecutionID" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"SQL - Get CurrentModifiedDate.Output"; #>
Pre Process
Configure logic that will be injected before the main Object process
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the process will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="PreProcess" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Control Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - Get SnapshotDate" ConnectionName="BimlCatalog" ResultSet="SingleRow">
<Result Name="0" VariableName="User.SnapshotDate" />
<DirectInput>EXEC [ssis].[GetConfigVariable] 'LOAD_DATAMART', 'LOAD_DATAMART.SnapshotDate', 'SnapshotDate', @VariableValue, @ExecutionID</DirectInput>
<Parameter Name="@VariableValue" VariableName="User.SnapshotDate" Length="-1" DataType="String" />
<Parameter Name="@ExecutionID" Direction="Input" DataType="Int64" VariableName="User.ExecutionID" />
Pre Tasks
Configure logic that will be injected before all the Tasks in the main Data Flow
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task unless it is the first task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="PreTasks" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Control Flow. -->
<!-- NOTE: You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the Data Flow -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - Get CurrentModifiedDate" ConnectionName="BimlCatalog" ResultSet="SingleRow">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<Result Name="0" VariableName="User.CurrentModifiedDate" />
<DirectInput>EXEC [ssis].[GetConfigVariable] 'MY_SRC', 'MY_SRC.dbo.EJTable.CurrentModifiedDate', 'CurrentModifiedDate', @VariableValue, @ExecutionID</DirectInput>
<Parameter Name="@VariableValue" VariableName="User.CurrentModifiedDate" Length="-1" DataType="String" />
<Parameter Name="@ExecutionID" Direction="Input" DataType="Int64" VariableName="User.ExecutionID" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"SQL - Get CurrentModifiedDate.Output"; #>
Reload From PSA Where SQL
clause to the PSA reload package. Currently this cannot be parameterized.
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the SQL will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="ReloadFromPsaWhereSql" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
WHERE [MyColumn] = 1
Root Add
Add element to the root of the BimlFlex project
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the root elements will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="RootAdd" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- RootAdd is normally combined with the other extension points. An example will be adding a PreProcess that reads data and saves the output into a cache file to be used in a custom lookup in SourcePipeline.
The example below demonstrates adding the required connection and file format.-->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; #>
<# var sourceConnection = table.GetSourceConnection();
var sourceConnectionType = sourceConnection.ConnectionType;
var sourceDatabase = table.GetSourceCatalog();
var sourceScopedName = table.GetSourceScopedName(sourceConnection);
var sourceQualifiedName = table.GetSourceQualifiedName(sourceConnection);
var sourceSchemaQualifiedName = table.GetSourceSchemaQualifiedName(sourceConnection);
var sourceSsisSafeScopedName = sourceScopedName.MakeSsisSafe();
var sourceDisplayName = table.GetSourceDisplayName(sourceConnection); #>
<CacheConnection Name="<#=sourceSsisSafeScopedName#>" PersistFileConnectionName="<#=sourceSsisSafeScopedName#>_File" RawFileFormatName="<#=sourceSsisSafeScopedName#>" />
<FileConnection Name="<#=sourceSsisSafeScopedName#>_File" FilePath="C:\Varigence\<#=sourceSsisSafeScopedName#>.caw" />
<RawFileFormat Name="<#=ssisSafeScopedName#>">
<Column Name="MyTable_BK" DataType="AnsiString" Length="60" CodePage="1252" IndexPosition="1" />
<Column Name="MyTable_SK" DataType="AnsiString" Length="40" CodePage="1252" />
Set Parameter
Configure override to publish parameter values
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the process will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="SetParameter" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Control Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; #>
<# var sourceConnection = table.GetSourceConnection();
var sourceConnectionType = sourceConnection.ConnectionType;
var sourceDatabase = table.GetSourceCatalog();
var sourceScopedName = table.GetSourceScopedName(sourceConnection);
var sourceQualifiedName = table.GetSourceQualifiedName(sourceConnection);
var sourceSchemaQualifiedName = table.GetSourceSchemaQualifiedName(sourceConnection);
var sourceSsisSafeScopedName = sourceScopedName.MakeSsisSafe();
var sourceDisplayName = table.GetSourceDisplayName(sourceConnection);
<# if (table.GetParameters().Any()) { #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - Set LastModified" ConnectionName="BimlCatalog" ResultSet="None">
<DirectInput>EXEC [ssis].[SetConfigVariable] '<#=sourceConnection.Name#>', '<#=table.Name#>.LastModifiedDate', 'LastModifiedDate', @VariableValue, @ExecutionID</DirectInput>
<Parameter Name="@VariableValue" VariableName="User.CurrentModifiedDate" Length="-1" DataType="String" />
<Parameter Name="@ExecutionID" Direction="Input" DataType="Int64" VariableName="User.ExecutionID" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"SQL - Set LastModified.Output"; #>
<# } #>
Source Create SQL
Configure override Create DDL for a source object, like a view.
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the SQL will be added |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="SourceCreateSql" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- The below example is adding View Create statement to the project. -->
IF EXISTS (SELECT * from sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[aw].[dimProduct]') AND type IN (N'V'))
DROP VIEW [aw].[dimProduct]
CREATE VIEW [aw].[dimProduct]
WITH [CategoryCTE]([ParentProductCategoryID], [ProductCategoryID], [Name]) AS
SELECT [ParentProductCategoryID]
FROM [aw].[SalesLT_ProductCategory]
WHERE [ParentProductCategoryID] IS NULL
SELECT C.[ParentProductCategoryID]
FROM [aw].[SalesLT_ProductCategory] AS C
ON BC.[ProductCategoryID] = C.[ParentProductCategoryID]
SELECT p.[ProductID]
,p.[Name] AS [ProductName]
,ccte.[Name] as [ProductCategoryName]
,pc.[Name] AS [ParentProductCategoryName]
,pm.[Name] AS [ProductModel]
,pd.[Description] AS [ProductModelDescription]
FROM [aw].[SalesLT_Product] p
INNER JOIN [aw].[SalesLT_ProductModel] pm
ON p.[ProductModelID] = pm.[ProductModelID]
INNER JOIN [aw].[SalesLT_ProductModelProductDescription] pmx
ON pm.[ProductModelID] = pmx.[ProductModelID]
INNER JOIN [aw].[SalesLT_ProductDescription] pd
ON pmx.[ProductDescriptionID] = pd.[ProductDescriptionID]
INNER JOIN [CategoryCTE] ccte
ON ccte.[ProductCategoryID] = p.[ProductCategoryID]
INNER JOIN [aw].[SalesLT_ProductCategory] AS pc
ON pc.[ProductCategoryID] = ccte.[ParentProductCategoryID]
WHERE pmx.[Culture] = 'en'
Source Error Handling
Configure pipeline logic that will be injected on error of the source transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="SourceErrorHandling" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Data Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<DataConversion Name="DCV - Convert MyColumn">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath #>" />
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="cnv_MyColumn" DataType="String" Length="100" />
Source Error Handling Configuration
Configure Error Handling configuration logic that will be injected in the source transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="SourceErrorHandlingConfiguration" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any valid ErrorHandling for the source component. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<ErrorHandling ErrorRowDisposition="RedirectRow" TruncationRowDisposition="IgnoreFailure" />
Source File Archive Override
Configure control flow logic that will override the SC_FILE_ARCHIVE script task call. You might also need to add a ProjectScriptFile.
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task unless it is the first task |
Name |
Type | Description |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="SourceFileArchiveOverride" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
<FileSystem Name="FST - YOUR FILE ARCHIVE" Operation="MoveFile" OverwriteDestination="true">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<VariableOutput VariableName="User.ArchivePath" />
<VariableInput VariableName="User.SourceFullFilePath" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"FST - YOUR FILE ARCHIVE.Output"; #>
Source File Loop Expression
Configure expressions that will be added to source ForEachFileLoop transformation
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the property will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="SourceFileLoopExpression" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<Expression PropertyName="Directory">@[$Project::ImportPath]</Expression>
Source Override
Configure override for the Object source transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the override will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="SourceOverride" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<# var tableObject = new TableObject(table, table.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage);
var sourceColumns = tableObject.SourceColumns;
<CustomComponent Name="CozyRoc_ParquetSource" ComponentTypeName="CozyRoc.ParquetSource" ContactInfo="Extracts data from Parquet file source.; COZYROC LLC; SSIS+; © 2006-2022 COZYROC LLC; All Rights Reserved; http://www.cozyroc.com/;0">
<OutputPath OutputPathName="Parquet Source Output">
<# foreach(var column in sourceColumns.Where(sc => sc.IsDerived != "Y")){ #>
<Column ColumnName="<#=column.ColumnName #>" ErrorRowDisposition="FailComponent" TruncationRowDisposition="FailComponent" />
<# } #>
<CustomProperty Name="Schema" DataType="System.String" UITypeEditor="CozyRoc.SqlServer.SSIS.TextDialogEditor, CozyRoc.SSISPlus.UI.2019, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=16cf490bb80c34ea" SupportsExpression="true" Description="JSON string representing the schema of the data file.">[
<# var isFirst = true;
foreach(var column in sourceColumns.Where(sc => sc.IsDerived != "Y")){ #>
<#=isFirst ? ", " : "" #>{
"Name" : "<#=column.ColumnName #>",
"Type" : "<#=column.DataType.ToLower() #>"
<# } #>]</CustomProperty>
<CustomProperty Name="ComponentObject" DataType="System.Null" TypeConverter="NOTBROWSABLE">
<OutputPath Name="Parquet Source Output">
<# foreach(var column in sourceColumns.Where(sc => sc.IsDerived != "Y")){ #>
<OutputColumn ExternalMetadataColumnName="<#=column.ColumnName #>" Name="<#=column.ColumnName #>" <#=column.GetDataTypeBiml() #> ErrorOrTruncationOperation="Conversion" ErrorRowDisposition="FailComponent" TruncationRowDisposition="FailComponent" />
<# } #>
<# foreach(var column in sourceColumns.Where(sc => sc.IsDerived != "Y")){ #>
<ExternalColumn Name="<#=column.ColumnName #>" <#=column.GetDataTypeBiml() #> />
<# } #>
<OutputPath Name="Parquet Source Error Output" IsErrorOutput="true">
<# foreach(var column in sourceColumns.Where(sc => sc.IsDerived != "Y")){ #>
<OutputColumn Name="<#=column.ColumnName #>" <#=column.GetDataTypeBiml() #> />
<# } #>
<Connection Name="FILE" ConnectionName="CUSTOM_SRC" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"CozyRoc_ParquetSource.Parquet Source Output"; #>
Source Parameter
Configure parameters for the Object source transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the parameter will be added |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="SourceParameter" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<Parameter Name="Parameter0" VariableName="User.LastModifiedDate" />
<Parameter Name="Parameter1" VariableName="User.CurrentModifiedDate" />
Source Pipeline
Configure pipeline logic that will be injected after the source transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="SourcePipeline" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Data Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<DataConversion Name="DCV - Convert MyColumn">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath #>" />
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="cnv_MyColumn" DataType="String" Length="100" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DCV - Convert MyColumn.Output"; #>
Source Property
Configure additional properties that will be added to source transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the property will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="SourceProperty" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
BindCharColumnAs="true" ExposeCharColumnsAsUnicode="false"
Staging Initial Target Pipeline
Configure pipeline logic that will be injected into the source to staging package before the Staging Initial target destination node
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="StagingInitialTargetPipeline" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Data Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<DataConversion Name="DCV - Convert MyColumn">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath #>" />
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="cnv_MyColumn" DataType="String" Length="100" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DCV - Convert MyColumn.Output"; #>
Staging Target Pipeline
Configure pipeline logic that will be injected into the source to staging package before the Staging target destination node
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="StagingTargetPipeline" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Data Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<DataConversion Name="DCV - Convert MyColumn">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath #>" />
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="cnv_MyColumn" DataType="String" Length="100" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DCV - Convert MyColumn.Output"; #>
Target Override
Configure override for the Object target transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the override will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="TargetOverride" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- NOTE: The type of target override must be consistent with the connection type. -->
<# var targetConnection = table.GetTargetConnection();
var targetScopedName = table.GetTargetScopedName(targetConnection);
var targetSsisSafeScopedName = targetScopedName.MakeSsisSafe();
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<OleDbDestination Name="OLE_DST - <#=targetSsisSafeScopedName#>" ConnectionName="<#=targetConnection#>" MaximumInsertCommitSize="500000" BatchSize="500000" CheckConstraints="false">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath#>" />
<ExternalTableOutput Table="[dbo].[MyTable]" />
Target Pipeline
Configure pipeline logic that will be injected before the target transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
thread | String | Contains the thread number of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="TargetPipeline" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<#@ property name="thread" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Data Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<DataConversion Name="DCV - Convert MyColumn<#=thread #>">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath #>" />
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="cnv_MyColumn" DataType="String" Length="100" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DCV - Convert MyColumn" + thread + ".Output"; #>
Target Post Process
Configure logic that will be injected after the main Object process using Source and Target table as parameter
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="TargetPostProcess" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Control Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - Set SnapshotDate" ConnectionName="BimlCatalog" ResultSet="None">
<DirectInput>EXEC [ssis].[SetConfigVariable] 'LOAD_DATAMART', 'LOAD_DATAMART.SnapshotDate', 'SnapshotDate', @VariableValue</DirectInput>
<Parameter Name="@VariableValue" VariableName="User.SnapshotDate" Length="-1" DataType="String" />
Target Pre Process
Configure logic that will be injected before the main Object process using Source and Target table as parameter
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="TargetPreProcess" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Control Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - Set SnapshotDate" ConnectionName="BimlCatalog" ResultSet="None">
<DirectInput>EXEC [ssis].[SetConfigVariable] 'LOAD_DATAMART', 'LOAD_DATAMART.SnapshotDate', 'SnapshotDate', @VariableValue</DirectInput>
<Parameter Name="@VariableValue" VariableName="User.SnapshotDate" Length="-1" DataType="String" />
Target Property
Configure additional properties that will be added to target transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the property will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="TargetProperty" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
KeepNulls="true" KeepIdentity="false"