Data Mart Extension Points
The Data Mart category has the following available Extension Points defined.
Data Warehouse Insert Pipeline
Configure insert pipeline logic that will be injected before the target transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the Batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhInsertPipeline" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Data Flow. -->
<DataConversion Name="DCV - Convert MyColumn">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath #>" />
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="cnv_MyColumn" DataType="String" Length="100" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DCV - Convert MyColumn.Output"; #>
Data Warehouse Post Process SQL
Configure SQL to be injected at the end of the Data Warehouse stored procedure
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhPostProcessSql" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
/* Add your SQL fragment here */
Data Warehouse Post Source SQL
Configure SQL to be injected after the staging query in the Data Warehouse stored procedure
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhPostSourceSql" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
/* Add your SQL fragment here */
Data Warehouse Post SQL Call Process
Add After the Data Warehouse SQL Call
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task unless it is the first task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhPostSqlCallProcess" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
<# var sourceObject = new TableObject(sourceTable, sourceTable.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage, "SRC");
var targetObject = new TableObject(targetTable, targetTable.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage, "TGT");
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - DwhPostSqlCallProcess" ConnectionName="<#=targetObject.Connection.Name#>">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<Parameter Name="0" VariableName="User.ExecutionID" DataType="Int64" />
<DirectInput>EXEC <#=targetObject.SystemType.StoredProcedureName(sourceObject, targetObject.Schema, targetObject.StartDelimiter, targetObject.EndDelimiter)#> ?</DirectInput>
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"SQL - DwhPostSqlCallProcess.Output"; #>
Data Warehouse Post Type1 Delta SQL
Configure SQL to be injected after the Type1 delta query in the Data Warehouse stored procedure
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhPostType1DeltaSql" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
/* Add your SQL fragment here */
Data Warehouse Post Type1 Insert SQL
Configure SQL to be injected after the Type1 insert query in the Data Warehouse stored procedure
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhPostType1InsertSql" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
/* Add your SQL fragment here */
Data Warehouse Post Type1 Update SQL
Configure SQL to be injected after the Type1 update query in the Data Warehouse stored procedure
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhPostType1UpdateSql" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
/* Add your SQL fragment here */
Data Warehouse Post Type2 Insert SQL
Configure SQL to be injected after the Type2 insert query in the Data Warehouse stored procedure
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhPostType2InsertSql" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
/* Add your SQL fragment here */
Data Warehouse Pre Process SQL
Configure SQL to be injected at the start of the Data Warehouse stored procedure
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhPreProcessSql" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
/* Add your SQL fragment here */
Data Warehouse Pre Source SQL
Configure SQL to be injected before the staging query in the Data Warehouse stored procedure
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhPreSourceSql" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
/* Add your SQL fragment here */
Data Warehouse Pre SQL Call Process
Add Before the Data Warehouse SQL Call
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task unless it is the first task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhPreSqlCallProcess" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
<# var sourceObject = new TableObject(sourceTable, sourceTable.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage, "SRC");
var targetObject = new TableObject(targetTable, targetTable.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage, "TGT");
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - DwhPreSqlCallProcess" ConnectionName="<#=targetObject.Connection.Name#>">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<Parameter Name="0" VariableName="User.ExecutionID" DataType="Int64" />
<DirectInput>EXEC <#=targetObject.SystemType.StoredProcedureName(sourceObject, targetObject.Schema, targetObject.StartDelimiter, targetObject.EndDelimiter)#> ?</DirectInput>
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"SQL - DwhPreSqlCallProcess.Output"; #>
Data Warehouse Pre Type1 Delta SQL
Configure SQL to be injected before the Type1 delta query in the Data Warehouse stored procedure
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhPreType1DeltaSql" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
/* Add your SQL fragment here */
Data Warehouse Pre Type1 Insert SQL
Configure SQL to be injected before the Type1 insert query in the Data Warehouse stored procedure
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhPreType1InsertSql" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
/* Add your SQL fragment here */
Data Warehouse Pre Type1 Update SQL
Configure SQL to be injected before the Type1 update query in the Data Warehouse stored procedure
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhPreType1UpdateSql" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
/* Add your SQL fragment here */
Data Warehouse Pre Type2 Insert SQL
Configure SQL to be injected before the Type2 insert query in the Data Warehouse stored procedure
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhPreType2InsertSql" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
/* Add your SQL fragment here */
Data Warehouse Source Override
Configure override for the Data Mart Source transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
table | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the override will be added |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhSourceOverride" #>
<#@ property name="table" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<!-- NOTE: The type of source override must be consistent to the connection type. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<OleDbSource Name="OLE_SRC - MyTable" ConnectionName="MY_SRC" CommandTimeout="0" ValidateExternalMetadata="false">
<DirectInput>SELECT [Code], [Name] FROM [dbo].[MyTable]</DirectInput>
<Column SourceColumn="Name" TargetColumn="MyTableName" />
<Column SourceColumn="Code" TargetColumn="MyTableCode" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"OLE_SRC - MyTable.Output"; #>
Data Warehouse Source Pipeline Post
Configure pipeline logic that will be injected after the Data Mart source transformations
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhSourcePipelinePost" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Data Flow. -->
<DataConversion Name="DCV - Convert MyColumn">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath #>" />
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="cnv_MyColumn" DataType="String" Length="100" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DCV - Convert MyColumn.Output"; #>
Data Warehouse Source Pipeline Pre
Configure pipeline logic that will be injected after the Data Mart source transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhSourcePipelinePre" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Data Flow. -->
<DataConversion Name="DCV - Convert MyColumn">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath #>" />
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="cnv_MyColumn" DataType="String" Length="100" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DCV - Convert MyColumn.Output"; #>
Data Warehouse SQL Call Override
Override the Data Warehouse SQL Call
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the target object to which the pipeline will be added |
precedenceConstraint | String | Contains the Precedence Constraint of the preceding task unless it is the first task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhSqlCallOverride" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="precedenceConstraint" type="String" #>
<# var sourceObject = new TableObject(sourceTable, sourceTable.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage, "SRC");
var targetObject = new TableObject(targetTable, targetTable.Connection.RelatedItem.IntegrationStage, "TGT");
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true; #>
<ExecuteSQL Name="SQL - DwhSqlCallOverride" ConnectionName="<#=targetObject.Connection.Name#>">
<# if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedenceConstraint)) {#>
<Input OutputPathName="<#=precedenceConstraint #>" />
<# } #>
<Parameter Name="0" VariableName="User.ExecutionID" DataType="Int64" />
<DirectInput>EXEC <#=targetObject.SystemType.StoredProcedureName(sourceObject, targetObject.Schema, targetObject.StartDelimiter, targetObject.EndDelimiter)#> ?</DirectInput>
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"SQL - DwhSqlCallOverride.Output"; #>
Data Warehouse Target Override
Configure override for the Data Mart target transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhTargetOverride" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- NOTE: The type of target override must be consistent to the connection type. -->
<# var targetConnection = table.GetTargetConnection();
var targetScopedName = table.GetTargetScopedName(targetConnection);
var targetSsisSafeScopedName = targetScopedName.MakeSsisSafe();
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<OleDbDestination Name="OLE_DST - <#=targetSsisSafeScopedName#>" ConnectionName="<#=targetConnection#>" MaximumInsertCommitSize="500000" BatchSize="500000" CheckConstraints="false">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath#>" />
<ExternalTableOutput Table="[dbo].[HUB_MyTable]" />
Data Warehouse Target Pipeline Post
Configure pipeline logic that will be injected before the target transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhTargetPipelinePost" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Data Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<DataConversion Name="DCV - Convert MyColumn">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath #>" />
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="cnv_MyColumn" DataType="String" Length="100" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DCV - Convert MyColumn.Output"; #>
Data Warehouse Target Pipeline Pre
Configure pipeline logic that will be injected before the target transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhTargetPipelinePre" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Data Flow. -->
<# CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = false; #>
<DataConversion Name="DCV - Convert MyColumn">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath #>" />
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="cnv_MyColumn" DataType="String" Length="100" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DCV - Convert MyColumn.Output"; #>
Data Warehouse Type1 Pipeline
Configure type1 update pipeline logic that will be injected before the target transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the Batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhType1Pipeline" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Data Flow. -->
<DataConversion Name="DCV - Convert MyColumn">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath #>" />
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="cnv_MyColumn" DataType="String" Length="100" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DCV - Convert MyColumn.Output"; #>
Data Warehouse Type2 Pipeline
Configure type2 insert pipeline logic that will be injected before the target transformation node
Name |
Type | Description |
sourceTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
targetTable | BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper | Contains all information related to the object to which the pipeline will be added |
inputPath | String | Contains the output path of the preceding task |
Name |
Type | Description |
ObjectInherit | Boolean | If CustomOutput.ObjectInherit = true then the Extension Point will be applied to all the Objects associated with the batch. |
OutputPathName | String | You must add CustomOutput.OutputPathName with the last task to connect it with the next Data Flow task. |
<#@ extension bundle="BimlFlex.bimlb" extensionpoint="DwhType2Pipeline" #>
<#@ property name="sourceTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="targetTable" type="BimlFlexModelWrapper.ObjectsWrapper" #>
<#@ property name="inputPath" type="String" #>
<!-- This can be any anything defined within the SSIS Data Flow. -->
<DataConversion Name="DCV - Convert MyColumn">
<InputPath OutputPathName="<#=inputPath #>" />
<Column SourceColumn="MyColumn" TargetColumn="cnv_MyColumn" DataType="String" Length="100" />
<# CustomOutput.OutputPathName = @"DCV - Convert MyColumn.Output"; #>