The Data Type Mapping concept provide the ability to automatically map Data Types from a source system to a more standardized data type. This can be either a conversion of the Data Type entirely, such as a int
to a bigint
, the expansion of an existing Data Type, such as nvarchar(13)
to nvarchar(20)
, or the combination of both, such as char(1)
to `nvarchar(10).
Property |
Description |
Name | The name of the selected data type mapping. |
Length | This value specifies the length parameter for the Column data type. Set to -1 to indicate MAX length. This property applies only to column types that support a length specification, such as String and Binary types. |
Precision | This value specifies the precision parameter for the Column data type. Precision is the number of digits stored for a numeric value. This property applies only to column types that support precision, such as Decimal. |
Scale | This value specifies the scale parameter for the Column data type. Scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a numeric value. This property applies only to column types that support precision, such as Decimal. |
Ordinal | This value specifies the length parameter for the column type associated with this Column. Set to -1 to indicate MAX length. This property applies only to column types that support a length specification, such as String and Binary types. |
Default | The default value the Column should receive if no data is provided. |
Sql Source Expression | SQL expression for this column is used to extend source queries. Generally used for source type casting and case statements. Example: CONVERT(VARCHAR(27), @@this, 121) |
Sql Target Expression | SQL expression for this column is used to extend target queries. Generally used for source type casting and case statements. Example: CONVERT(VARCHAR(27), @@this, 121) |
Sql Target To String | SQL expression that can be used to override conversion extend target queries. Generally used for source type casting and case statements. Example: CONVERT(VARCHAR(27), @@this, 121) |
Sql Target To Data Type | SQL expression that can be used to override conversion extend target queries. Generally used for source type casting and case statements. Example: CONVERT(VARCHAR(27), @@this, 121) |
Ssis Dataflow Expression | This value specifies the expression used to calculate the value of the derived column. The SSIS expression syntax is used. Utilize the same syntax as the Derived Column. |
Adf Dataflow Expression | This value specifies the expression used to calculate the value of the derived column. The ADF Dataflow expression syntax is used. Utilize the same syntax as the Derived Column. |
Column Alias | Alias for the column. Generally used in conjunction with SqlSourceExpression. |
Convert Source Type | Enable the conversion to occur against the source data type. |
Is Master | Enable to allow the value to be mapped to. |
Description | The column described in business context. Often referred to as business metadata. |
Property |
Description |
Customer | Reference to the Customer that this Data Type Mapping belongs to. |
Version | Reference to the Version that this Data Type Mapping belongs to. |
Data Type | This value specifies the type of the data stored in this column using the unified type system. Additional logic is required to cater for data types with a CustomType like [hierarchyid] . Below is a list of the current possible Data Types. |
System Type | Defines the mappings system type. Depending on the type the relevant source mapping will be chosen. Below is a list of the current possible SystemTypes. For a full up to date list please refer to the [meta].[SystemType] table in the [BimlFlex] database. |
Connection | Some Datatype Mappings can target a specific connection. |
Mapped To Data Type | This value specifies the type of the data stored in this column using the unified type system. Additional logic is required to cater for data types with a CustomType like [hierarchyid] . Below is a list of the current possible Data Types. |