Odbc Source Element
- Ast Odbc Source Node
- Ast Source Transformation Node
- Ast Transformation Node
- Ast Scope Boundary Node
Attribute | API Type | Default | Description |
Connection | AstOdbcConnectionNode | This value specifies the ODBC connection used to access the database. This is a required reference to an existing definiton. | |
Name | String | Specifies the name of the object. This name can be used to reference this object from anywhere else in the program. This is a required property | |
BatchSize | Int32 | 1000 | This value specifies how many rows can be loaded into the destination table in each batch before additional rows are requested from the data flow pipeline. The default value is 1000. |
BindCharColumnAs | OdbcCharColumnMapping | Unicode | This value specifies how multibyte string types (SQL_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR, SQL_LONGVARCHAR, etc.) should be mapped by the component. Either Unicode (SQL_C_WCHAR) or ANSI (SQL_C_CHAR) can be selected. The default value is Unicode. |
BindNumericAs | OdbcNumericMapping | Char | This value specifies how numerci data should be mapped by the component. Either Char or Numeric can be selected. The default value is Char. |
CommandTimeout | Int32 | 0 | The number of seconds before the command times out. Zero indicates an infinite time-out. The default value is 0. |
DefaultCodePage | Int32 | 0 | This value specifies which code page to use when the data source does not provide code page information. |
ExposeCharColumnsAsUnicode | Boolean | False | This value specifies whether CHAR columns are exposed as multibyte strings (DT_STR) or as Unicode wide strings (DT_WSTR). |
LobChunkSize | Int32 | 32768 | This value specifies the chunk size that should be allocated of Large Object (LOB) columns. |
LocaleId | Language | Inherited | This value specifies which locale is used by the dataflow task. |
UseBatch | Boolean | True | This value specifies whether Batch load should be used instead of the default Row-By-Row load mechanism. |
ValidateExternalMetadata | Boolean | true | This value specifies whether the data flow transformation is validated against columns that originated in external data sources. When server assets such as tables and stored procedures are created during processing, ValidateExternalMetadata is normally set to False, which prevents validation from completing at compile time. |
Singleton Children
Child | API Type | Description |
<DirectInput /> | AstDirectResourceNode | The AstDirectResourceNode type provides the facility to directly input text data for use in the referencing Biml object. This is a required property |
<TableInput /> | AstTableResourceNode | The AstTableResourceNode type is used for creating references to a table that has been modeled in the Biml project. This is a required property |
<ExternalTableInput /> | AstUnmanagedTableResourceNode | The AstUnmanagedTableResourceNode type is used for creating references to a table stored in an existing relational database that has not been modeled in the Biml project. This is a required property |
<ErrorHandling /> | AstComponentErrorHandlingNode | Specifies the error handling defaults to apply to an entire component |
Collection Children
Child | API Type | Description |
<Annotations> <Annotation /> </Annotations> | AstAnnotationNode | This is a collection of annotation items that can be used to specify documentation, tags, or other information. Annotations are particularly useful for storing information about nodes that can be used by BimlScript code. |
<Columns> <Column /> </Columns> | AstDataflowColumnMappingNode | This is a collection of mapping nodes from source columns prior to sending them to the output path. |
<DataflowOverrides> Multiple Choices... </DataflowOverrides> | AstDataflowOverrideNode | Provides a collection of objects to override properties of the component, its input paths, its output paths, and its consituent dataflow columns. |