Fuzzy Lookup Column Mapping Element
Attribute | API Type | Default | Description |
SourceColumn | String | This value specifies the name of the source column in the data flow path mapping. This is a required property | |
IsUsed | Boolean | True | This value specifies whether the dataflow column is used. |
MatchTypeExact | Boolean | False | This value specifies whether the column value comparison should be exact or should use fuzzy matching logic. The default is false / fuzzy. |
MinSimilarity | Int32 | 0 | This value specifies the minimum similarity threshold, expressed as a value between 0 and 100. The default value is 80. |
PassThrough | Boolean | True | This value specifies whether the value of this column should be passed through to the output. |
SortKeyPosition | Int32 | 0 | This value specifies where the parent column is situated in the sort order. For example if the rows were first sorted by 2 other columns, then the value would be 3. If this column was not used for sorting, it's value should be 0. |
TargetColumn | String | This value specifies the name of the destination column in the data flow path mapping. |
Collection Children
Child | API Type | Description |
<Annotations> <Annotation /> </Annotations> | AstAnnotationNode | This is a collection of annotation items that can be used to specify documentation, tags, or other information. Annotations are particularly useful for storing information about nodes that can be used by BimlScript code. |
<ComparisonFlags> <ComparisonFlag /> </ComparisonFlags> | ComparisonFlags | This value specifies a collection of flags that determine specific behaviors of the Fuzzy Lookup component when comparing column values. |
<ExtendedComparisonFlags> <ExtendedComparisonFlag /> </ExtendedComparisonFlags> | FuzzyLookupTransformExtendedComparisonOptions | This value specifies an extended collection of flags that determine specific behaviors of the Fuzzy Lookup component when comparing column values. |