Adf Dynamics Sink Element
- Ast Adf Dynamics Sink Node
- Ast Adf Dynamics Sink Base Node
- Ast Adf Dataset Sink Base Node
Attribute | API Type | Default | Description |
DatasetName | AstAdfDynamicsDatasetNode | Specifies a reference to the Dynamics dataset that will receive the data. This is a required reference to an existing definiton. | |
AlternateKey | Boolean | False | Specifies the alternate key name for the sink. |
IgnoreNullValues | Boolean | False | Specifies how to handle null values from input data during a write operation. The default is false. |
MaxConcurrentConnections | Int32 | 0 | Max number of simultaneous connections to the source. |
RetryCount | Int32 | 0 | Number of retries. |
RetryWait | String | String representing the retry wait. Pattern: ((\\d+)\\.)?(\\d\\d):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])) | |
WriteBatchSize | Int32 | -1 | Specifies the number of rows that should be stored in the write buffer before sending to the sink dataset. |
WriteBatchTimeout | String | Specifies the timespan that the activity should wait for the sink dataset before raising an error. |
Collection Children
Child | API Type | Description |
<Annotations> <Annotation /> </Annotations> | AstAnnotationNode | This is a collection of annotation items that can be used to specify documentation, tags, or other information. Annotations are particularly useful for storing information about nodes that can be used by BimlScript code. |
<Parameters> <Parameter /> </Parameters> | AstAdfCopyActivityParameterNode | Specifies the Dataset parameters to be used. |