Adf Dataset Availability Element
- Ast Adf Dataset Availability Node
- Ast Adf Schedule Base Node
Attribute | API Type | Default | Description |
Frequency | AdfFrequency | Minute | Specifies the unit of time that should be used when determining the next execution of an activity or updated availability of a dataset. This value is multiplied by the Interval property value to determine the actual timing. This is a required property |
Interval | Int32 | 0 | Specifies the number of time units provided by the Frequency property to determine how frequently data slices are produced or activities are executed. This is a required property |
AnchorDateTime | String | Specifies a date and time value that is used as the baseline over which the execution intervals are computed. | |
Offset | TimeSpan | 00:00:00 | Specifies an amount of time that should be used to pad the execution intervals. |
Style | AdfFrequencyStyle | EndOfInterval | Specifies whether the data slice should be produced or the activity executed at the beginning or end of the specified time interval. |
Collection Children
Child | API Type | Description |
<Annotations> <Annotation /> </Annotations> | AstAnnotationNode | This is a collection of annotation items that can be used to specify documentation, tags, or other information. Annotations are particularly useful for storing information about nodes that can be used by BimlScript code. |