Class AstAdfActivityPolicyNode
AstAdfActivityPolicyNode objects correspond directly to the policy specifications for Azure Data Factory activities.
public class AstAdfActivityPolicyNode : AstNode, IBindableItem, IGetJsonProvider, IFrameworkItem, IValidationInfo
- Inheritance
Varigence.Utility.Collections.IVulcanCollectionParent, Varigence.Utility.ComponentModel.IVulcanNotifyPropertyChanged, Varigence.Utility.ComponentModel.IPropertyChangeNotificationTarget, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged, Varigence.Utility.Xml.IXObjectMappingProvider, System.ComponentModel.IDataErrorInfo,
AstAdfActivityPolicyNode(IFrameworkItem) | Initializes a new instance of the AstAdfActivityPolicyNode class with the specified parent node. |
IsScopeImported |
Concurrency | Specifies the number of concurrent executions of the activity should be permitted to simultaneously process multiple data slices. |
ConcurrencyDefaultValue | Gets the default value for the Concurrency property |
Delay | Specifies the amount of time to wait before the processing of a data slice is allowed to begin. |
DelayDefaultValue | Gets the default value for the Delay property |
ExecutionPriorityOrder | Specifies the order in which data slices should be processed by the activity. |
ExecutionPriorityOrderDefaultValue | Gets the default value for the ExecutionPriorityOrder property |
FriendlyTypeNameStatic | Gets the friendly name of the type of this node |
LongRetry | Specifies the number of times that the activity should be attempted for a given data slice before the processing for that data slice is marked as a failure. This property is different from the Retry property in that LongRetry allows a dealy to be specified before each retry attempt using the LongRetryInterval property. If both this property is set and the Retry property is set to any value greater than 1 (including the default value of 3), then each failed long retry will also have immediate retry attempts. This results in the total number of retries being the product of Retries and LongRetries. |
LongRetryDefaultValue | Gets the default value for the LongRetry property |
LongRetryInterval | Specifies the amount of time that should be waited before attempting a long retry. |
LongRetryIntervalDefaultValue | Gets the default value for the LongRetryInterval property |
Retry | Specifies the number of times the activity should be executed for a given data slice before the processing for that data slice is marked as a failure. |
RetryDefaultValue | Gets the default value for the Retry property |
Timeout | Specifies the amount of time that the activity should be permitted to execute for a data slice before execution is halted and the attempt is marked as a failure. The default value is 0 which indicates that there is no timeout. |
TimeoutDefaultValue | Gets the default value for the Timeout property |
Guid | |
Annotations | This is a collection of annotation items that can be used to specify documentation, tags, or other information. Annotations are particularly useful for storing information about nodes that can be used by BimlScript code. |
ObjectTag | This property provides a general purpose storage mechanism for .NET objects to be associated with AstNode objects. It supplements the annotation system, which is intended for use with string-based metadata. |
BimlFile | This value specifies the BimlFile in which the Biml code that defines AstNode resides. |
ItemLabel | Gets a label that can be used to identify this node |
ParentItem | This value specifies the parent of the current node. All nodes must have a valid parent in the Biml framework, except for the root node. |
BindingScopeBoundaries() | Retrieves the permitted scope boundaries to bind references from this node. |
Duplicate() | Creates a duplicate of the current node |
Duplicate(IFrameworkItem) | Creates a duplicate of the current node with the specified parent item |
GetDefaultValue(String) | Retrieves the default value for the property with the name propertyName |
GetDefaultValue<T>(String) | Retrieves the default value for the property with the name propertyName |
GetSchemaLocalName() | Retrieves the local XML element name that corresponds to this node in Biml code. |
StructureEquals(Object) | Compares this node to the provided object to determine if all defined children and references are equal. |
FirstChildOfType<TChild>() | Gets the first defined descendant node of the specified type |
RemoveFromParent() | Removes this node definition from its parent |
DefinedAstNodes() | Retrieves a collection of nodes that have been defined as direct children of the current node. |
GetJson() | Generates a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) representation of the current node |
GetExternalJson() | Generates a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) representation of the current node |
GetJson(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) | Generates a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) representation of the current node |
GetXObjectName() | Gets the fully qualified XML element name for this node in the code document. |
FirstParent<TAstNode>() | Retrieves the first parent or ancestor node of the specified type |
FirstParent<TAstNode>(Type) | Retrieves the first parent or ancestor node of the specified type with the specified custom attribute type |
FirstThisOrParent<TAstNode>() | Retrieves the first parent or ancestor node of the specified type, including this node |
IsDirectAncestor(IFrameworkItem) | Retrieves a value indicating whether the specified node is a direct ancestor of this node. |
AncestorDistance(IFrameworkItem) | Retrieves the number of steps between this node and the nearest shared ancestor with the specified relative node. |
FirstThisOrParent<TAstNode>(Type) | Retrieves the first parent or ancestor node (including this node) of the specified type with the specified custom attribute type |
AllDefinedSuccessors() | Retrieves the collection of all nodes defined as a child of this or any successor node or the current node |
AllDefinedSuccessors(Boolean) | Retrieves the collection of all nodes defined as a child of this or any successor node or optionally the current node |
OnNotificationTargetPropertyChanged(String) | |
OnScopeBoundaryChanged(IScopeBoundary, IScopeBoundary) | |
AddParseableChangedEventListener(IFlowFileChanged, EventHandler<EventArgs>) | |
RemoveParseableChangedEventListener(IFlowFileChanged, EventHandler<EventArgs>) | |
AddScopeBoundaryChangedEventListener(IFrameworkItem, EventHandler<VulcanPropertyChangedEventArgs>) | |
RemoveScopeBoundaryChangedEventListener(IFrameworkItem, EventHandler<VulcanPropertyChangedEventArgs>) | |
AddParsePendingChangedEventListener(IFlowFileChanged, EventHandler<EventArgs>) | |
RemoveParsePendingChangedEventListener(IFlowFileChanged, EventHandler<EventArgs>) | |
AddFromTemplateChangedEventListener(IFlowFileChanged, EventHandler<EventArgs>) | |
RemoveFromTemplateChangedEventListener(IFlowFileChanged, EventHandler<EventArgs>) | |
GetAllItemsReferencedByDefinedSuccessors() | Builds a list of all items referenced by this node and its successors. Each tuple in the returned list represents a FrameworkItemReference. The first item is the ReferencingItem, the second item is the property name, and the third item is the ReferencedItem. |
ParseSelf(XElement, ParserContext) | |
ParseChild(XElement, ParserContext) | |
ParseNameValueMapping(XElement) | |
BindReference(SymbolTable, String, Boolean, String, Int32, Boolean) | |
GetBimlChildFragment(CulturedStringBuilder, Int32) | |
HasAnyBimlChildNodes() |